南部のテトのバインテトにつきまして 01/18/2023 14:05:00テト明けから寒い日が続きますね 02/17/2022 11:12:39ベトナムのテト(旧正月)とバインチュンにつきまして 01/24/2022 16:53:21ベトナム伝統料理である、バインザイとバインチュンにつきまして 01/12/2022 14:42:04新年明けましておめでとうございます 01/03/2022 13:31:21ホアビン省の畑につきまして 12/27/2021 18:00:00カリフラワー・ブロッコリーの旬の時期がやってまいりました 12/23/2021 16:41:25
SYUN company uses different methods for temperature control to ensure the freshness of our vegetables and fruits. It will keep our produce at a fixed temperature in delivery from our workshop to customers.
Step 1:
In production area, harvesting and bagging is performed at appropriate time during the day and temperature is taken into consideration.
Step 2:
Fruits and vegetables delivered from the production area are stored in a dedicated refrigerator. By cooling early after harvesting, damage will be kept to minimum.
Step 3:
At the processing workshop with constant temperature control, vegetables and ice are put in a specialized box for delivery.
※ In the cold winter, we may not add ice to vegetable box.
Step 4:
The delivery box is insulated by ice, therefore not affected by outside temperature and able to preserve the inside of the box temperature stable for a certain amount of time.
※ Please refrigerate the vegetable after receiving.
Step 5:
After vegetables are packed, our staff will deliver them to you as soon as possilbe.
Product Categories
- Vegetables
- Root Vegetables
- fruit
- Rice
- Egg
- Noodles
- Meat
- Fish
- Processed food
- Side Dish/ Pre-packaged Food
- 牛乳・乳製品
- 調味料・ドレッシング等
- お茶菓子,デザート類
- Drinks
- Vegetables Boxes